The Witch Hunt

The cult historical thriller directed by Otakar Vávra maps the medieval witch trials in Jeseníky.

Kladivo na čarodějnice
Czechoslovakia 1969
103 min.
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.

In the 1600s, an overzealous clergy hauls innocent women in front of tribunals, forces them to confess to imaginary witchery, and engages in brutal torture and persecution of their subjects.

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Director: Otakar Vávra
Based on: Václav Kaplický
Screenplay: Otakar Vávra, Ester Krumbachová
Cinematography: Josef Illík
Music: Jiří Srnka
Editing: Antonín Zelenka
Production Design: Karel Škvor, Ester Krumbachová
Producer: Jaroslav Solnička
Cast: Elo Romančík, Vladimír Šmeral, Soňa Valentová, Josef Kemr, Lola Skrbková, Jiřina Štěpničková, Marie Nademlejnská, Miriam Kantorková
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.