Black Peter

A real-life movie showing several days in the life of a Czech teenager when he starts a new job.

Černý Petr
Czechoslovakia 1963
  • English
86 min.
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.

Petr is 17 years old and starts work as a security worker against shoplifting in a busy self-service shop. His boss gives him pretty basic instructions, and Petr is pretty unsuccessful at work. He doesn’t do much better at the dance hall either, and at home his bombastic father lectures him about how useless he is.

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Director: Miloš Forman
Screenplay: Jaroslav Papoušek, Miloš Forman
Cinematography: Jan Němeček
Music: Jiří Šlitr
Editing: Miroslav Hájek
Production Design: Karel Černý
Producer: Rudolf Hájek
Cast: Ladislav Jakim, Pavla Novotná, Jan Vostrčil, Vladimír Pucholt, Pavel Sedláček, Zdeněk Kulhánek, František Kosina, Josef Koza
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.