
A suggestive look inside a deeply repressive Guatemalan society.

France, Guatemala 2019
  • Czech
107 min.

When handsome and charismatic Pablo arrives at his affluent family’s house everyone is eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved son, devoted father and caring husband. A seemingly exemplary pillar of Guatemala City’s Evangelical Christian community, Pablo’s annou­ncement that he intends to leave his wife for another man sends shock waves through the family. As Pablo tries to acclimate to his new life in the city’s gay subculture with the liberated Francisco, his ultra-religious family does everything in its power to get their prodigal son back on track, no matter the cost.

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Director: Jayro Bustamante
Screenplay: Jayro Bustamante
Cinematography: Luis Armando Arteaga
Music: Pascual Reyes
Editing: Cesar Diaz, Santiago Otheguy
Producer: Jayro Bustamante, Gérard Lacroix, De Jesus Peralta Orellana Marina, Pilar Peredo, Georges Renand, Edgard Tenembaum
Cast: Juan Pablo Olyslager, María Telón, Mauricio Armas, Diane Bathen, Sabrina De La Hoz