Stranger Than Paradise

A tragicomic road movie full of dreamy and unbelievable coincidences.

Stranger Than Paradise
United States, Germany 1984
  • Czech
89 min.
  • This film is available until 14. 10. 2029 in these territories: Czechia, Slovakia.

The Americanised immigrant Béla „Willie“ Molnár is not proud of his roots, so he is not happy when his 16-year-old Hungarian cousin visits him. But in time, he realises that they have more in common than he originally thought. In Jim Jarmusch's second film, the minimalist story of several actors and the raw black-and-white imagery are at the service of a poignant irony, touching on the conventional notions of America as the land of dreams. Jarmusch's tra­demark composer and occasional actor John Lurie and Eszter Balint excel in the lead roles of the cult film.

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Director: Jim Jarmusch
Screenplay: Jim Jarmusch, John Lurie
Cinematography: Tom DiCillo
Music: John Lurie
Sound: Greg Curry
Editing: Jim Jarmusch, Melody London
Production Design: Matt Buchwald, Sam Edwards, Louis Tancredi, Stephen Torton
Producer: Sara Driver
Cast: John Lurie, Eszter Balint, Richard Edson, Cecillia Stark, Danny Rosen, Rammellzee, Tom DiCillo, Richard Boes, Rockets Redglare, Harvey Perr
  • This film is available until 14. 10. 2029 in these territories: Czechia, Slovakia.