Shadow Country

How to reconcile with killings committed by your own neighbors? How to face growing evil that nobody stands against? What can human will overcome and what is the value of humility and hope?

Krajina ve stínu
Czechia 2020
  • Czech
135 min.
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia.
Director: Bohdan Sláma
Screenplay: Ivan Arsenjev
Cinematography: Diviš Marek
Music: Jakub Kudláč
Editing: Jan Daňhel
Production Design: Jan Pjena Novotný
Producer: Jindřich Motýl, Martin Růžička
Cast: Magdaléna Borová, Stanislav Majer, Csongor Kassai, Barbora Poláková, Pavel Nový, Petra Špalková, Zuzana Kronerová, Agi Gubiková
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia.