My Blind Date with Life

How to find love when you can't see it.

Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben
Germany 2017
111 min.
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.

Film adaptation of Saliya Kahawatte's e­ponymous autobiography: At age 15, Saliya Kahawatte almost entirely loses his eyesight. Albeit nearly blind, his faith in life remains unbroken and he is unwilling to be put down as „disabled“ by society. Without a white cane or other aids he feels his way through life, compensating his lack of ability to see by sharpening the remaining senses. He graduates from a regular high school, finishes a training as a hotel clerk, studies hotel management und starts working as a waiter in a five-star hotel – without anyone realizing that he is practically blind. For 15 years he succeeds in his career and nobody is the wiser.

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Director: Marc Rothemund
Based on: Saliya Kahawatte
Screenplay: Oliver Ziegenbalg, Ruth Toma
Cinematography: Bernhard Jasper
Music: Michael Geldreich, Jean-Christoph Ritter
Editing: Charles Ladmiral
Production Design: Christian Eisele
Producer: Simon J. Buchner, Yoko Higuchi-Zitzmann, Tanja Ziegler
Co-production: Stefan Gärtner
Cast: Kostja Ullmann, Jacob Matschenz, Anna Maria Mühe, Johann von Bülow, Alexander Held, Nilamq Farooq, Uwe Preuss
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.