
The film follows a thirteen-year-old in 1990s-era Los Angeles who spends his summer navigating life between his troubled home and a group of new friends.

United States 2018
  • Czech
85 min.
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.

In the mid-1990s, 13-year-old Stevie lives in Los Angeles with his aggressive, fitness-obsessed older brother Ian and single mother Dabney. One day Stevie bikes past Motor Avenue Skateshop, admires the boastful camaraderie of skateboarders outside the shop, and returns the following day. Back home, Stevie trades with his brother for a skateboard, brings it to the shop and befriends young skater Ruben, who introduces him to the rest of the group. Although an inexperienced skater, Stevie is drawn to the group and aspires to imitate their daredevil behavior and anti-social attitudes.

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Director: Jonah Hill
Screenplay: Jonah Hill
Cinematography: Christopher Blauvelt
Music: Atticus Ross, Trent Reznor
Editing: Nick Houy
Production Design: Jahmin Assa
Producer: Eli Bush, Jonah Hill, Ken Kao, Scott Rudin, Lila Yacoub
Cast: Sunny Suljic, Katherine Waterston, Lucas Hedges, Na-kel Smith, Olan Prenatt, Gio Galicia, Ryder McLaughlin, Alexa Demie, Harmony Korine
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.